Grand Opening!  Wait..  Who Am I?  What is this for?

Grand Opening! Wait.. Who Am I? What is this for?

Welcome to the Sage Femme Diaries, I'm Danielle, author and shop owner! You may have read my blurb in the "About Me" section of the shop.  This grand-opening entry is an introduction to me and my vision for Sage Femme!  If you can relate to any of what you are about to read, drop me a line in the comments :)

First things first, Why the name Sage Femme?  Well, Sage isn't just your common kitchen herb or the dried plant wrapped up for your smudge stick :) The word Sage translates to "Wise" and Femme translates to "Woman."  So Sage Femme means "Wise Woman."  I was a doe-eyed 20 something year old when I came up with the name for a business that I wanted to start but it never came to fruition.  Now I am older, know who I am, and have had life lessons that I didn't even know existed then.  Because of this, I feel confidant calling myself and my work Sage Femme.  (Thanks, idealist 20 something young self for thinking of it!)

Speaking of businesses coming to fruition, it has taken me a long time to make this leap. I am in my late 30's, and up until recently, I couldn't understand how everyone around me just seemed to do all the things they were supposed to do as adults and how they were getting it right most of the time.-BUT I WASN'T.  It all began to click for me about a year ago when talking to a friend who was describing her own symptoms as a woman with ADHD, that I could have it.   Up until then, I had no idea that there are different forms of ADHD and I always just thought of it as a kid filled with energy who couldn't sit still and pay attention, where I am the opposite and a daydreamer.  It hadn't occurred to me that I may be neurodivergent. (Click the link to find out what neurodivergent is)  As she was describing her symptoms and common characteristics, I identified with so much of what she was saying!  Imagine going through life telling yourself  and hearing that you're just lazy and can't get your act together to find out that it's actually a thing? A thing that has a name with strategies and treatments? *Mind Blown*   I explored this possibility by starting therapy and talking with my doctor- between the two of them I took 6 or 7 different tests (I scored all A+'s on those!) which resulted in confirmation that yes, I have ADHD- inattentive type. Congratulations!! Now that I have some answers and I'm not afraid to say it- the right medication, I cannot believe that I survived my brain or that I am now starting to be able to "do stuff" like anyone else!

If you name all of the characteristics or symptoms that go along with ADHD-inattentive type, I can say that I can identify with most of them. I have difficulty picking one thing to commit to for ideas-especially when it came to college, was/am scared to fail, I'm horrible at managing finances (but getting better) and have had the anxiety that comes with imposter syndrome in my home life and my professional work life. I couldn't take a compliment about being good at my job or being good at anything else (I still have trouble with compliments) and used to always feared that people were going to realize that I'm not as good as they think I am.- Never mind my attention span!  The one thing that I have been able to hold onto is the fact that I am a good mother. I've held onto knowing that and it has gotten me through some VERY dark thoughts.  Holding onto this, learning strategies, and getting treatment has led me down a path of self-love, radical acceptance, and a mission to call my power back to me.  I've set goals, learned how to set personal boundaries, and have hope again that I'm going to live the life that I have always dreamed of.  MOST importantly, I'm teaching my daughter to do the same. 

Instead of completing an entire business plan and waiting for the right circumstances, I just created the shop and opened it because I knew if I was waiting for the perfect moment it wasn't going to happen. Now that I've created it, opened it, and feel good about it, I'm working SO much harder to have a vision and shape it into a success!


One way that I stay focused (besides the meds!) is having a workspace and personal spaces that set the mood for creativity, productivity, and inner work.  I know this is starting to sound like some spiritual guru-y shiznit but don't worry my caffeine drinking, chocolate cake loving, f-bomb dropping ass is no where near that!  This is just a great strategy for anyone who needs structure but especially good for people with ADHD. When creating my space, I think about things that I connect to visually and things that give me a sense of peace.  Creating a beautiful and calming space with your favorite crystals special candle holders, figurines, tapestries, and other wall accents helps to set the tone for focus and productivity.  If I am in a space that is not giving me a sense of peace, I have the attention span of a squirrel in a pool acorns mixed with shiny stuff.  I get overwhelmed and just do nothing instead.  Ever since I was a little girl, I have always felt connected to nature and crystals. I was one of those kids with a huge rock collection, stinky sea shell collection, and sticks in my hair.  (I'm realizing now that I should stop wondering where my daughter gets her love for "stuff"). Can any of you identify with this?

Crystals in particular are beautiful tools that are tangible to hold or arrange in a thoughtful way to raise your mindfulness, focus, and frequency (or vibration). They also each have properties that help support and intensify your intentions. Whether it's designing a creative art space, a zen space at your desk job, or a spot for meditation and manifesting, the energy and organization of your surroundings helps to reinforce the commitment to what you have set your mind to.  

Don't think that you need an entire special room built for these purposes! If you are limited on space (And TRUST ME, I am) it can be little corner or even just a side table where you can sit, take deep breathes, set your intentions, and be present for the tasks that you want to take on that day. We all deserve to have a space and the tools that serve us to do the internal preparation to rise to the occasion. 

What I want for Sage Femme to be, is a shop where you can come to find items that speak to you and help you create the intentional space that you need to do accomplish what you set your sights on.   I also want Sage Femme to be a place you can come to when you're looking for a gift that raises someone else's frequency. When we raise our own vibration or someone else's, it causes a ripple effect and is contagious!

You might say, Danielle, what's with all the t-shirts? My answer to this is, who doesn't like a good soft t-shirt that says something that you resonate with? Wear the message you want to send, be comfy, do the work, and manifest that shit baby!

Thank you for reading!!  Comment below about how you set up your space to focus, what your favorite crystals to work with are, or your tips and strategies for working as someone with ADHD!  

 Check out my Shop!


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