Crystal Encyclopedia

Crystal Encyclopedia

 Welcome to the Crystal Encyclopedia!  

This reference is new and will be a constant work in progress, if you have a questions about a crystal not listed, hit the chat button, and I will help you find some information.  Please note that using crystals is not a replacement for medical attention and the information here is metaphysical in nature and individual experience varies.  Crystals can be complementary to other therapies and part of a holistic overall treatment. 


Agate is sometimes called the rainbow of the earth with its array of colors and unique banded patterns. It is made of chalcedony and quartz from inside ancient volcanic rock formations. Although certain types of agate are found in specific parts of the world, agate as a whole is found all over the world.

When to use Agate:

Quartz in agate itself is a master healer and amplifier for energy and intentions. Adding agate into that mix makes a powerful combination of communication and concentration. Agate strengths focus and analytical thinking l. Life is about balance with agate and being in the presence of it will promote a better balance!



Amethyst is one of the world's most popular and sought-after gemstones and has been for thousands of years! Amethyst is found all over the world including Sri Lanka, Namibia, and Siberia, but most of the world's supply comes from Brazil and other parts of South America. It is a member of the quartz family and known for its beautiful purple coloring.

When to use Amethyst:

The purple hues of amethyst have long been a symbol of peace, cleansing, and clarity. It is associated with both the crown and third-eye chakra which also makes it a highly spiritual stone. Use Amethyst while meditating to help open your crown and third eye with calm clarity to help bring on your spiritual truths. Many people also use amethyst under their pillow for better sleep and positive dreams.  It is the birthstone for February.



Apophyllite is found all around the world in Volcanic Zeolite environments, but most of the world's mined Apophyllite comes from India. It is usually a white crystal but it can also come in shades of blue, green, yellow, and pink, or even colorless.

Apophyllite is a clear resonator and energy conductor- a highly spiritual stone connected to the astral level. You can rely on it to clear negative energy making sure that your heart and head stay clear and connected.

Meditating with Apophyllite can help the user channel connections and visions to their truth. It is a stone of balance and emotional clarity.



Aquamarine belongs to the beryl family of minerals and is closely related to emeralds. It can range from clear soft blue to blue-green in color. Although it is found all over the world, most of the world's supply of aquamarine comes from Brazil.

When to use Aquamarine:

Reminiscent of the ocean, aquamarine encourages the wearer to flow like the tides. take in what is beneficial and let go of what isn't. Sailors in history carried aquamarine as a talisman for luck on the open waters. It can be used as jewelry or a pocket stone to feel calm in turbulence, it is a good stone for teachers who require patience in their difficult job.

Aquamarine is the birthstone for March


Blue Lace Agate:

Blue Lace Agate is a form of banded chalcedony- a mineral in the Quartz family. Most of the world's supply comes from Namibia, although recently it has been found in many places around the world.

When to use Blue Lace Agate:

Blue Lace Agate is a stone of communication, helping those who have difficulty being heard by others, or who need confidence and articulation to share their truths. It provides clarity of thought and unwavering intent in regards to what matters most. This being the case and the color blue signifies that Blue Lace Agate works best with your throat chakras! Carry Blue Lace Agate for patience and for expressing intense emotions without getting upset. Agate is traditionally a slower vibrational stone so it encourages you to slow down, breathe, and think before you speak.



The use of carnelian in human history goes back to before Ancient Egyptians, although they used it for many things including jewelry, pottery, and funeral design including on many sarcophagi. Most of the carnelian sold today comes from India but it is also found in Egypt, Brazil, and Uruguay.

When to use Carnelian:

Carnelian's orange hues signify use with your sacral chakra. Use it to restore creative and sexual energy. Wear or use carnelian when you want to get your creative juices flowing. Carnelian has an interesting long history of being used for luck and strength dating back to the Babylonians. So wear it or put it in a strategic plan in your home or office for a little extra luck! 



Citrine is a crystal that has been loved and sought after by people for thousands of years! It was Queen Victoria's favorite stone and she used it often to decorate her formal wear. It is found in just a few locations around the world including the Congo and Brazil. Citrine is a member of the Quartz family and is named after its bright citrusy hues.

When to use Citrine:
Given its bright coloring, Citrine is a burst of energy and good vibrations. Use citrine when you are in need of a pick-me-up and want to not only boost your energy but attract the positive energy of others. Citrine has been called “The Merchant’s Stone” because it is believed to help boost your financial endeavors! It is associated with the Sacral and Solar Plexus chakras supporting personal empowerment, manifesting, and creativity.

Citrine also brings in sun energy.  It is a wonderful stone to place on your sacral chakra for a few minutes per day in the winter months especially if you are prone to S.A.D. (Seasonal affective disorder) 


Clear Quartz:

As its name suggests, Clear Quartz (also known as Rock Quartz) is transparent and clear to white in coloring. Quartz is the most abundant and widely distributed mineral found on Earth's surface. It is present and plentiful in all parts of the world. It forms at all temperatures. It is abundant in igneous, metamorphic, and sedimentary rocks. It is highly resistant to both mechanical and chemical weathering. This durability makes it the dominant mineral of mountaintops and the primary constituent of beach, river, and desert sand. Quartz is ubiquitous, plentiful, and durable. Quartz deposits are found throughout the world. Its unique properties make it one of the most useful natural substances on Earth.  Quartz is used in many pieces of technology around the world as it is a powerful energy conductor.

When to use Clear Quartz:

Clear quartz crystal is known for having high vibrations. The stone can clear the mind, body, and spirit of clutter and can help to align the bearer with the highest form of themselves so that they may reach their full potential. Quartz is also an amplifier, not only can it clear your body and spirit of clutter, it acts as an amplifier when used in conjunction with other crystals and minerals when manifesting or completing a crystal grid.


Dendritic Clear Quartz:

What is a dendrite? Dendrology is the study of trees, Dendrites are tree-like branching formations that form in crystals starting in one place and migrating over time. They are inclusions formed most commonly from manganese but can also be formed by iron or other oxides. Dendritic quartz is found all over the world but most of the quality stones that you will find come from Brazil and Africa.

When to use dendritic quartz:

Using Dendritic Quartz: The plant shape and growing of dendrites signifies growth and expansion. Use dendritic quartz when starting a new business or when you are trying to build a new skill.


Flower Agate:

Flower Agate is a type of Agate with opaque Chalcedony inclusions that resemble tiny floral formations. Flower Agate is a recent finding from Madagascar. (discovered in 2018!)

When to Use Flower Agate:

Being that Flower Agate is fairly new, healers and spiritualists are still learning about it. It is being said that Flower Agate represents the Feminine Trinity of Maiden, Mother, and Crone and that it is a stone that "gets things done". Whether you are off on a new endeavor or picking away at a long-time goal, Flower Agate is here to help you out-symbolizing the journey to self-discovery and actualization.



Generally known as the “Stone of Discernment”, Fluorite is a powerful gemstone known for promoting intuitive and logical abilities.  It is found all over the world and comes in many different varieties spanning a large spectrum of colors and shades of pink, green, blue, and purple.

When to Use Fluorite:

Fluorite is considered to cleanse and stabilize the aura. It assimilates the negative energies and stress and neutralizes them to give the wearer a sense of relaxation and contentment. An exceptional learning aid, Fluorite amplifies the wearer’s stability of concentration and remembering things. It gives the wearer a sense of self-confidence that allows and helps him in wise decision-making. It keeps the mental and physical tract of a person in balance thereby encouraging positivity, coordination, and harmony.

 Fluorite is an extremely defensive and soothing stone, constructive for harmonizing the negative energies. Fluorite increases instinctive abilities, which connects the human mind with the heavenly spirits and universal truths.

 Fluorite takes up negative energies from the atmosphere and is helpful at Chakra and auric cleansing. It is believed to treat the heart, third eye, and throat chakra. Fluorite keeps in equilibrium the heart chakra in coordination with the other chakras of the body.



The word Garnet comes from the Latin word Granatum, or seed.  Thought to be named after the pomegranate seed, It is understandable why, as the color often resembles the delicious juicy red seeds of the fruit. 

Garnet has been used for thousands of years in both jewelry and talismans.  Warriors often wore garnet for protection in battle and is one of the most ancient gemstones known to humankind.  There are many different colors of garnet and it is found all over the world.  Most of the world’s garnet however comes from the US, India, China and Australia.

When to Use Garnet:

Garnet is a stone of strength, awakening your strongest life force energy. - The ultimate stone for supporting the flow of Chi through your body!  It assists with raising a level of self-control and confidence gained by supporting your Root Chakra.  It is a stone of desire whether manifesting the things that you want in life or manifesting sexual energy enhancing the laws of attraction- it is the strongest stone to speak into when you are saying what your heart wants. 


Green Aventurine:

Green Aventurine is a member of the Quartz family and is commonly found in Southern India. The shade of green is mainly caused by tiny particles of Fuchite.

When to use Green Aventurine:

Green Aventurine has been associated with luck since its discovery. Many users hold a piece firmly in their hand while they manifest their dreams and desires. Others swear by bringing some to the casino, racetracks, or game nights. (please note that this is an individualized experience and there is not scientific evidence for this)

Green Aventurine provides strength, confidence, courage, and happiness. It renews one's optimism for life and pushes us to take action to acquire what we want in this world. This stone urges one to get out of their comfort zone and take on new opportunities.


Honey Calcite:

Honey Calcite is also known as Golden or Amber Calcite and is found in Mexico.

When to use Honey Calcite:

The importance of Honey Calcite lies in the notion that the stone has the potential to guide a person to the right way of recognizing and employing his or her power. This strong connection is great for accomplishing high-effort tasks and projects. When our personal will is rooted, we are more inclined to push ourselves to the finish line. The hardest part of doing something is getting started, and Honey Calcite encourages us to get up and get going.

Lapis Lazuli:

Lapis is one of the earliest stone documented for use in human history.  Ancient Babylonians and Egyptians used Lapis Lazuli as a highly regarded stone for jewelry and in amulets for burial.  Cleopatra famously used ground Lapis for eye shadow!  
Today, the world’s supply of Lapis Lazuli mainly comes from the Middle East and India.  It’s bright blue color changed the art world when it was used to make a pigment called ultramarine.  It is made of Lazulite, Calcite, and shimmering Pyrite which give it unique properties.  
When to Use Lapis Lazuli:
The name Lapis Lazuli translates to “Stone of Heaven” it is associated with the 5th (throat) and 6th (third-eye) chakras making it the perfect stone for clear communication with other realms and enhancing intimation.  In relation to the 5th chakra, Lapis also helps a person to find their own voice.  Use Lapis when you are making a hard life decision that involves advocating for yourself and saying what you need to say.


Labradorite is a feldspar material with iridescence first found in Labrador, Canada. It is, however, mentioned in older references by Inuit people as a "firestone that fell from the Aurora Borealis" The color of Labradorite "flash" or iridescence can vary from silver, to green, blue, purple, or pink.  The flash’s correct terms is called “Labradorescence”.

When to use Labradorite:

Labradorite is a protection stone. It shields a person's aura from and creates positive energy from within to withstand negative energy. It also is a stone that protects us from depression by tempering our own negative energies and traits that rob us of our own energy.

It is also the best stone to use for a New Moon ritual.  Labradorite represents letting go of all that needs letting go of and starting something new.  Include it in your ritual by adding the stone or chips to a wish bottle or to a new moon crystal grid.  


Lepidolite is a form or Mica that comes in shades of lilac purple, pink, and purple-gray and the most common high-lithium content mineral.  It is found all over the world but the gem-quality Lepidolite is mined in Brazil.  Notably, Minas Gerais Brazil.  Gem-quality lepidolite is both expensive and hard to find so many of the towers and larger pieces of Lepidolite that you see are a composite of Lepidolite and matrix.  High Quality Lepidolite is iridescent and has what is called dragon scales- self explanatory on what that looks like!

When to use Lepidolite:

Lepidolite is the best mineral/gem for emotional healing.  Its high levels of lithium give a calming energy to those who use it. Use Lepidolite as a touch stone to help support anxiety and depression.  If you are a late night thinker, it may help to keep some lepidolite in your bedroom to support easing over into. a peaceful state before sleep.


Found in only one place in the world, Mookaite is a type of Jasper and is Australia's most celebrated crystal. It is named after Mooka Creek, AU where it is found and was named by Aboriginals- Mooka meaning "running water". Every piece of Mookaite stone has a different chemical make up so no two stones are ever alike.

When to use Mookaite:
Mookaite is also called a Mother Earth stone and is associated with grounding and bringing your attention to the here and now. For this reason, Mookaite is a good protection stone for keeping in your pocket or your car to keep alert. Mookaite is also a stone associated with youthfulness, it gives the vibration of a youthful spirit and facilitates a change in perspective between the body and mind. You can also work with Mookaite when you are trying to stop the cycle of unhealthy generational patterns preventing future generations from inheriting trauma.  



Morganite is a member of the beryl family.  It is found in shades of pale pink, purple, and orange. Morganite comes in Namibia, Afghanistan, and the US but most of the world's supply is mined in Brazil. It was named after JP Morgan when it was discovered in the early 20th century.  The meaning of Morganite is heart healing and manifestation.

When to use Morganite:

Morganite is one of the strongest heart stones in existence. It offers up pure love and compassionate energy. Morganite fills your body head to toe with relaxing and calm energies helping to open up and cleanse one’s heart space from constant negative weight.  Use morganite to work through trauma and suffering as you find peace and strength to move forward.


Moss Agate:

Moss Agate contains sets of mineral inclusions that imitate the looks of trees, plants, and landscapes. Some moss agate inclusions are composed of manganese and iron oxide and are one of the most unique Agates available. Moss Agate can be found all around the world. Some locations are highly prized because of the vibrant stones that come from there. The best-known locations are Australia, Russia, India, and the US. European farmers once used to hang moss agate from trees and around the horns of oxen when plowing to encourage successful harvests.

When to use moss agate:

Moss agate promotes a connection to the earth and has grounding energies. It also adds balance and promotes health and vitality in the garden. In addition to general healing qualities, Moss Agate is a stone of new beginnings: refreshing your soul and enabling you to see the beauty you behold. Moss Agate is associated with the heart chakra and is useful for those experiencing difficulty in life, despair, and brain imbalances to find inner peace and trust.


Pistachio Calcite:

Pistachio Calcite is a type of green calcite that is found in areas of the Middle East, but mostly in Pakistan.  It can vary from lime green to blue-green in color all with a calming energy.  It gets its color from chlorite getting trapped in the calcite during crystallization.

When to Use Pistachio Calcite:

As with many green colored crystals, pistachio calcite is used for matters of the heart.  Set a piece of it over your heart chakra for opening your heart and emotionally cleansing.  It is a stone that is a peaceful green this perfect for peaceful communication or patience and acceptance through transitions.


Rose Quartz: 

Rose quartz is the name used for pink specimens of the mineral quartz. It is abundant, common, and found in large quantities at numerous locations around the world but most rose quartz sold today comes from Brazil, South Africa, India, and Madagascar.  When rose quartz is labeled as "starred" it has tiny little needles of rutile that create a six-rayed star reflection.

When to use Rose Quartz:

Rose Quartz is the stone of universal love.  This doesn't just include romantic love, but all forms of love- life, self, for your children, and for spirit.  It opens your heart chakra to positive energy for self-love and friendship.  Rose Quartz is also a fertility stone.  This is not only fertility for bearing children but also the fertility of abundance and midwifing new endeavors, creativity, and ideas.



Rutile is mostly golden but can also be silver or copper. Most of the world's supply comes from Madagascar or Brazil although it is found all over the world.  The golden rutile quartz is usually known as the “Hair of Venus”. The quartz can be smokey or clear and the golden color needles have a slightly different effect when used for healing.

When to use Rutile: 

Use Golden Rutile as an amplifier as it boosts any crystal it touches, or use it on its own to align and energize your chakras. It works well with all chakras, however, works best with the spleen. One of the most important facts about Rutile Quartz (and smokey quartz) is that it promotes a strong connection with the divine as it carries etheric vibrations.



 Selenite is a transparent form of gypsum named after the Greek Goddess Selene, the Goddess of the Moon. The mineral selenite can be found all over the world but is most often found in Mexico, Poland, Russia, Greece, Japan, Australia, Argentina, Brazil, and the United States.

 When to use Selenite:

Peach Selenite is a protective stone that keeps unwanted energies at bay, grounding your aura and helping you feel stable and secure. It connects you to the earth, enhancing its healing properties. It's a great countermeasure to use against electromagnetic pollution or EMF radiation. It's thought to reconnect you to your divine feminine energy.

 There are many ways to use selenite, you can use any amount of selenite on your body (tumble, slab, wand, etc) to clear your body of negative energy and stagnation in a specific area. Selenite is one of the most important tools in an energy worker's toolkit as it can aid the release of negative energy and purify in a variety of environments.

Use Selenite when meditating to clear chakra energy blocks. Place Selenite on your body to clear negative energy and stagnation. Use Selenite to cleanse and charge your other crystals by placing them in a circle around your selenite for 24 hours.


Strawberry/Tanzberry Quartz

Strawberry or Tanzberry quartz is found in Tanzania Africa. It gets its strawberry smoothie hue from inclusions of lithium, lepidolite, or muscovite.

When to use Strawberry/Tanzberry Quartz:
Use this quartz to facilitate healthy, confident sexual expression and personal power. Tanzberry is a stone for creators- keep it at your desk, in your studio, or anywhere that you need a boost in creative vibes.


Sunstone is an orange to brown stone in the feldspar family that has a Schiller flash- kind of like labradorite.  It has small particles of hematite in it which gives it that additional sparkle.  It is found in Canada and Russia however, most of the world’s supply comes from India.  

When to Use Sunstone:

True to its name, Sunstone bring the energy of the sun!  This stone is focused on abundance and joy.  A bright reminder that life is fleeting and to do what makes you happy.  It is a stone to use when you say to yourself “I choose to be happy.” Even if the decisions are tough.  Sunstone is related to the Solar Plexus, place it there while meditating to open up the chakra and step into your own empowerment!  Sunstone is also one of the best stones to use for SAD-Season Affective Disorder.  Use the same way but placing the stone on your solar plexus.  


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