Keeping both your Air Plants AND Crystals Happy

Keeping both your Air Plants AND Crystals Happy

If you have purchased an Air Plant holder from me, thank you!  I hope that you are enjoying both the crystal and your plant baby!  Here are some care tips to ensure that both your crystal and your plant stay happy.

The most important guideline to follow for either of the watering techniques is that you should remove the air plant from the holder to water and let it dry completely before replacing it.  Here is why:

1.) Not all crystals are water tolerant and can be damaged by getting wet.

2.) The holder itself is made of aluminum with a copper coloring.  Aluminum is completely plant safe, but for coloring, this wire has a small amount of copper mixed in.  When copper repeatedly gets wet it can tarnish and leech into your plants leaves causing it to be malnourished.- even though there is a very small amount of copper in the wire, it’s best to follow this guideline for your plant babies.  

Watering Techniques

There are two ways to water your plants either a weekly soak, or spraying them 3x per week.  I personally prefer the weekly soak because I just fill a sink and pop all my babies in at once for about 30 minutes.  Always pop them in Bottoms up as they absorb water and nutrients through their leaves.  If this is your only air plant, fill a small bowl and soak it for 30 min.  Don’t forget to let it/them totally dry before placing back in the holder.

Spraying 3x per week

This is a spray every other day routine.  Spray your air plant until it is visibly wet and let it completely dry before placing back in the holder.  Simple if you can remember to do it!  I don’t do this one because I can’t remember when I’ve spray and haven’t so I just know it’d it is Sunday, it’s bath time.

Air Plants also like humidity so if you have are an intermediate to advanced house plant owner with a humidifier, feel free to also pop your air plant near it a couple times per week.


Air plants like a bright sunlight but INDIRECT.  They will not be happy little babies if you put them directly in a window that gets full sun.  Place them instead on an anointing wall or shelf or in a window that doesn’t get hit directly.  You can tell if your air plant is getting too much sun because the tips of its leaves will start to crisp.  

Some Crystals ALSO fade in direct sunlight so it is just an all-around great idea to keep them away from a blazing sun window.

Questions?  Tap the chat in the corner or hit the contact button at the bottom on the page.  Happy plant parenting!



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